Instant Nudeln, Huhn
Quantity: 475g
Brands: Reeva
Categories: Plant-based foods and beverages, Plant-based foods, Dried products, Pastas, Dried products to be rehydrated, Noodles, Instant noodles
Countries where sold: Vereinigtes Königreich, Germany
Health Analysis
NOVA - Food Processing
Ultra-processed foods
Nutrition Facts
Serving size: 475
Nutrient | Per 100g | Per Serving | % DV |
Energy | 63 kcal | - | 63% |
Fat | 2.9 g | - | 2.9% |
Saturated fat | 1.4 g | - | 1.4% |
Carbohydrates | 7.8 g | - | 7.8% |
Sugars | 0.4 g | - | 0.4% |
Proteins | 1.3 g | - | 1.3% |
Salt | 0.9 g | - | 0.9% |
Sodium | 0.36 mg | - | 0.36% |
Instant-Nudeln 86,7% (Weizenmehl, Palmöl, Trinkwasser, Speisesalz, Volleipulver 0,1%, Farbstoff E160a), Suppengrundlage 10,7% (Speisesalz, Geschmacksverstärker: E621, E631, E627; Maltodextrin, Zwiebelpulver 0,5%, Knoblauchpulver, getrocknete Karotten 0,3%, Aroma, Ingwerpulver, Hefeextrakt, Paprika getrocknet 0,2%, Palmöl, Chilipulver, schwarzer Pfeffer, Kurkuma, Trennmittel E551), Trockengemüse 2,6% (Erbsen, Mais, Lauchzwiebel), Soja-Schnetzel. Dieses Produkt kann Spuren von Sellerie enthalten.
Palm Oil Status
Vegan Status
Vegetarian Status
Environmental Impact
Environmental Impact
82 / 100