Quantity: 85 g
Packaging: Plastique, Boîte de conserve ou canette, Carton, Papier cartonné
Brands: Mymuesli
Categories: Snacks, Snacks sucrés, Barres, Barres de céréales, Barres de céréales aux fruits
Labels, certifications, awards: Bio, Bio européen, Agriculture non UE, EG-Öko-Verordnung, DE-ÖKO-037, Agriculture UE, Agriculture UE/Non UE
Link to the product page on the official site of the producer:
Stores: mymuesli
Countries where sold: Frankreich,Deutschland
Health Analysis
Score Details
Negative Points
Positive Points
NOVA - Food Processing
Ultra-processed foods
Nutrient Levels
Nutrition Facts
Serving size: 85 g
Nutrient | Per 100g | Per Serving | % DV |
Energy | 426 kcal | 362 kcal | 426% |
Fat | 17.3 g | 14.7 g | 17.3% |
Saturated fat | 6.9 g | 5.87 g | 6.9% |
Carbohydrates | 55.6 g | 47.3 g | 55.6% |
Sugars | 17.8 g | 15.1 g | 17.8% |
Fiber | 6.3 g | 5.36 g | 6.3% |
Proteins | 8.8 g | 7.48 g | 8.8% |
Salt | 0.07 g | 0.0595 g | 0.07% |
Sodium | 0.028 mg | 0.0238 mg | 0.028% |
Hafer-Crunchy 48% (_Haferflocken_, Reissirup, Sonnenblumenöl, _Haferschrot_, _Weizenflocken_, gepuffter Reis, Honig, _Gerstenflocken_, Zimt), _Haferflocken_, weiße Schokoplättchen 16% (Rohrohrzucker, Kakaobutter, _Vollmilchpulver_, natürliches Aroma), Mini-Butterkekse 10% (_Weizenmehl_, Rohrohrzucker, _Butter_, Meersalz), gefriergetrocknete Erdbeerstücke 2%, gefriergetrocknete schwarze Johannisbeeren
Palm Oil Status
Vegan Status
Vegetarian Status
Environmental Impact
Environmental Impact
74 / 100
Plastique, Boîte de conserve ou canette, Carton, Papier cartonné
Packaging Materials
- plastic
- can
- cardboard
- paperboard