Bio Dattel-Haselnuss-Creme
Quantity: 330 g
Packaging: Glas
Brands: KoRo
Categories: Brotaufstriche
Labels, certifications, awards: Bio
Countries where sold: en:fr
Health Analysis
Score Details
Negative Points
Positive Points
Nutrient Levels
Nutrition Facts
Nutrient | Per 100g | Per Serving | % DV |
Energy | 457 kcal | - | 457% |
Fat | 27 g | - | 27% |
Saturated fat | 2 g | - | 2% |
Carbohydrates | 44 g | - | 44% |
Sugars | 40 g | - | 40% |
Fiber | 3.9 g | - | 3.9% |
Proteins | 7 g | - | 7% |
Salt | 0.02 g | - | 0.02% |
Sodium | 0.008 mg | - | 0.008% |
DATTEL HASELNUSS CREME • : 55 % Datteln", 44 % HASELNUSS" Kabet Ma en BLUTEN, ERDNUSSEN, SCHALENFRUCHTEN und SESAM enthalten. Küt mt > en 'us kontrolert biologischer Landwirtschaft. HÁNC DATE HAZELNUT SPREAD Ingredients: 55% dates", 44% HAZELNUTS:. utain trcs of GLUTEN, PEANUTS, EDIBLE NUTS and SESAME. Store in a cooland iontroled organic cultivation. Oz DATTES ET NOISETTES BIO - Inarédients : 55 % dattes", 44 % NOISETIES ei des traces de GlLUTEN, ARACHIDES, FRUITS A COQUE et GRANSE bau SEC età protéger de la chaleur. "issu de l'agriculture biologni AUDATTERI E NÓCCIOLE BI0 ngredienti: 55% Datteri", 44% NOCCOLE Mee GLUTINE, ARACHIDI, FRUTTA SECCA e SESAMO. Consenae tase ste."da agricoltura biologica controlata.
Palm Oil Status
Vegan Status
Vegetarian Status
Environmental Impact
Packaging Materials
- glass