Dolce Pizza Napoli Mozzarella, Poulet, Poivrons grillés & Pesto
Quantity: 400 g
Packaging: Plastique, Carton, Film, Frais, Etui en carton
Brands: Sodebo
Categories: Meals, Pizzas pies and quiches, Meals with meat, Pizzas, Poultry meals, en:cheese-pizzas
Labels, certifications, awards: No GMOs, No preservatives, No palm oil, Nutriscore, Nutriscore Grade B, fr:triman
Link to the product page on the official site of the producer:
Stores: Leclerc,,Manor
Countries where sold: France,Suisse
Health Analysis
Score Details
Negative Points
Positive Points
NOVA - Food Processing
Ultra-processed foods
Nutrient Levels
Nutrition Facts
Serving size: 200 g
Nutrient | Per 100g | Per Serving | % DV |
Energy | 222 kcal | 444 kcal | 222% |
Fat | 7.3 g | 14.6 g | 7.3% |
Saturated fat | 3.4 g | 6.8 g | 3.4% |
Carbohydrates | 28 g | 56 g | 28% |
Sugars | 1.7 g | 3.4 g | 1.7% |
Fiber | 2.6 g | 5.2 g | 2.6% |
Proteins | 10 g | 20 g | 10% |
Salt | 1.1 g | 2.2 g | 1.1% |
Sodium | 0.44 mg | 0.88 mg | 0.44% |
Pâte fine à pizza (farines de _BLÉ_ et de _BLÉ_ malté, eau, semoule de _BLÉ_ dur, levure boulangère, sel), _MOZZARELLA_, viande de poulet, poivrons grillés, eau, _FROMAGE_ blanc, _CRÈME_ légère, _PARMESAN_ AOP, _RICOTTA_, _LAIT_ écrémé, huile d'olive vierge, huile de colza et/ou tournesol, amidon et/ou fécule, fibre de _BLÉ_, dextrose, conservateur: vinaigre tamponné, sel, arômes naturels, poivre, basilic, origan, ail. Ce produit peut contenir de l'œuf, de la moutarde, du soja et d'autres céréales contenant du gluten. Poulet : Origine UE
Palm Oil Status
Vegan Status
Vegetarian Status
Environmental Impact
Environmental Impact
87 / 100
Plastique, Carton, Film, Frais, Etui en carton
Packaging Materials
- plastic
- cardboard
- film
- fresh
- fr:etui-en-carton