Salz, Kräutersalz
Quantity: 200g
Packaging: Kunststoff
Brands: dmBio, dm
Categories: Pflanzliche Lebensmittel und Getränke, Pflanzliche Lebensmittel, Gewürzmittel, Gewürze, Salze, Gewürzmischung
Labels, certifications, awards: Bio, Vegetarisch, EU-Öko-Verordnung, Nicht EU-Landwirtschaft, Vegan, EG-Öko-Verordnung, DE-ÖKO-013, EU-Landwirtschaft, EU-/Nicht-EU-Landwirtschaft, Europäische Vegetarier-Union, Europäische Vegetarier-Union Vegan, Hergestellt in Deutschland, Naturland
Link to the product page on the official site of the producer:
Stores: dm
Countries where sold: en:de
Health Analysis
Score Details
Negative Points
Positive Points
NOVA - Food Processing
Processed culinary ingredients
Nutrient Levels
Nutrition Facts
Nutrient | Per 100g | Per Serving | % DV |
Energy | 45 kcal | - | 45% |
Fat | 0.7 g | - | 0.7% |
Saturated fat | 0.1 g | - | 0.1% |
Carbohydrates | 5.2 g | - | 5.2% |
Sugars | 2.8 g | - | 2.8% |
Fiber | 4.1 g | - | 4.1% |
Proteins | 2.6 g | - | 2.6% |
Salt | 84.6 g | - | 84.6% |
Sodium | 33.84 mg | - | 33.84% |
85% Meersalz, 12,4% Kräuter (Bio Lauch gemahlen, Bio SELLERIE gemahlen, Bio Petersilie gemahlen, Bio Liebstöckel gemahlen, Bio Fenchel gemahlen, Bio Majoran gemahlen, Bio Basilikum gemahlen, Bio Schnittlauch gemahlen), Bio Zwiebeln gemahlen, Bio Pastinaken gemahlen, Bio Karotten gemahlen, Bio Chili gemahlen.
Palm Oil Status
Vegan Status
Vegetarian Status
Environmental Impact
Environmental Impact
37 / 100
Packaging Materials
- plastic