Chorizo doux farfalles et piperade basque
Quantity: 340 g
Packaging: fr:Etui en carton
Brands: Fleury Michon
Categories: Meals,Pasta dishes,Pasta with meat,Pasta with pork
Labels, certifications, awards: No preservatives,Green Dot,Nutriscore,Nutriscore Grade C
Countries where sold: France
Health Analysis
Score Details
Negative Points
Positive Points
NOVA - Food Processing
Ultra-processed foods
Nutrient Levels
Nutrition Facts
Serving size: 340 g
Nutrient | Per 100g | Per Serving | % DV |
Energy | 176 kcal | 598 kcal | 176% |
Fat | 8.9 g | 30.3 g | 8.9% |
Saturated fat | 3 g | 10.2 g | 3% |
Carbohydrates | 19 g | 64.6 g | 19% |
Sugars | 2 g | 6.8 g | 2% |
Fiber | 1.2 g | 4.08 g | 1.2% |
Proteins | 6.3 g | 21.4 g | 6.3% |
Salt | 0.79 g | 2.69 g | 0.79% |
Sodium | 0.316 mg | 1.07 mg | 0.316% |
Pâtes farfalles 46% (eau, semoule de _blé_ dur), tomates 19%, chorizo 11% (viande de porc, paprika, sel, ail), poivrons rouges 9.2%, oignons 3.6%, vin blanc, huile d'olive vierge, eau, concentré de tomates, _beurre_, amidon de riz, huile de colza, ail 0.3%, sel, gélatine de boeuf, persil, thym, herbes de Provence (basilic, origan, romarin, thym), poivre, piment d'Espelette.
Palm Oil Status
Vegan Status
Vegetarian Status
Environmental Impact
fr:Etui en carton
Packaging Materials
- fr:etui-en-carton