Saft 'Blue Break' (Apfel, Kokos, weiße Traube, Guave, Maracuja, Limette & Spirulina)
Quantity: 750 ml
Brands: Innocent
Categories: Plant-based foods and beverages, Beverages, Plant-based beverages, Fruit-based beverages, Juices and nectars, Fruit juices, en:multifruit-juices
Labels, certifications, awards: Glutenfrei, Vegetarisch, Reich an Vitamin E, Vegan, Mit Vitaminen angereichert, Ohne Palmöl, Sojafrei, Reich an Vitamin B1, Reich an Vitamin B6, Reich an Vitamin C, The Vegan Society, Vitamin B1-Quelle, Vitamin B6-Quelle, Vitamin C-Quelle, Vitamin E-Quelle, 10 % des Gewinns an gute Zwecke, 50 % recyceltes PET, Vitaminreich
Link to the product page on the official site of the producer:
Stores: Edeka,tegut,rewe Center
Countries where sold: en:de
Health Analysis
Score Details
Negative Points
Positive Points
Nutrient Levels
Nutrition Facts
Serving size: 250 ml
Nutrient | Per 100g | Per Serving | % DV |
Energy | 41 kcal | 102 kcal | 41% |
Fat | 0.5 g | 1.25 g | 0.5% |
Saturated fat | 0.1 g | 0.25 g | 0.1% |
Carbohydrates | 10 g | 25 g | 10% |
Sugars | 9.3 g | 23.3 g | 9.3% |
Fiber | 0.5 g | 1.25 g | 0.5% |
Proteins | 0.5 g | 1.25 g | 0.5% |
Salt | 0.01 g | 0.025 g | 0.01% |
Sodium | 0.004 mg | 0.01 mg | 0.004% |
Apfelsaft (66%), Kokosnusssaft (18%), weißer Traubensaft (8,1%), Zutaten Apfelsaft (66%), Kokosnusssaft weißes Guavenpüree (5,2%), Maracujapüree (1,6%), Limettensaft (0,87%), Spirulina-Extrakt (0,81%) und Vitamine (Vitamin B₁, B2, B6, C, E, Niacin)
Palm Oil Status
Vegan Status
Vegetarian Status
Environmental Impact
Environmental Impact
41 / 100