Max Protein Bar
Quantity: 60g
Brands: KoRo
Categories: en:protein-bars
Labels, certifications, awards: Mit Sonnenblumenöl, en:pure-cocoa-butter
Countries where sold: Germany
Health Analysis
Score Details
Negative Points
Positive Points
NOVA - Food Processing
Ultra-processed foods
Nutrient Levels
Nutrition Facts
Serving size: 60 g
Nutrient | Per 100g | Per Serving | % DV |
Energy | 359 kcal | 215 kcal | 359% |
Fat | 13 g | 7.8 g | 13% |
Saturated fat | 7.9 g | 4.74 g | 7.9% |
Carbohydrates | 33 g | 19.8 g | 33% |
Sugars | 4.1 g | 2.46 g | 4.1% |
Fiber | 9 g | 5.4 g | 9% |
Proteins | 33 g | 19.8 g | 33% |
Salt | 0.8 g | 0.48 g | 0.8% |
Sodium | 0.32 mg | 0.192 mg | 0.32% |
BTGRLORE. s,émusifignt: lécithine: Colorant: caramel ordinaire: édulcorant: sucralose. Cacao:37% minimum ENRUENESDE LAT. humectant : glycérol: hydrolysat de collagène, édulcorant:maltitol;oligofructoSe, agent gonflar S8ny laBcEFInorédients:28 % chocolat au lait avec édulcorant (édulcorant : maltitol: beurre de cacao, LAIT ENTIER EN POUDRE, påte de cacao, émulsifiant:lécithine; aröme nature, i 2ctlam caramet sweetener: sucralose. Cocoa:37% minimum in the chocolate. May contain GLUTEN., EGGS, PEANUTS, ALMONDS and HAZELNUTS. EXCessive consumption may produce laxatvee anectant olycerak colagen hydrolysate, sweetener: maltitot: oligofructose. bulking agent: polvdextrose: Sunflower oil. tanioca starch, cocoa butter. EBgeT G Ingredients: 285 milk chocolate with sweetener (sweetener: maltitnl: cocoa hiutter WHOI E MII K POWnER cOcO9 mase omileifior lasithinaTCM MIK SUgSTet Sucralose. Kakao: 37 %mindestens in der Schokalade. Kann AUTEN IER RRNISSE MAAIDEL&te ArOmen, vuLLMILCHPULVER, Sa, Emulastor LRcN? stteaCEi Aollanenhydrotysat, Sißungsmite Maltit Qlinnfruktnco Eletoff alhroLvEK, Kakaomasse, Emulgator: Lecithine;, natürliches Aromal. SOJAPROTEIN MLCe er, flavourings, WHOLE MILK POWOER, STer teiuniis natural tavouring Uni 0àns le Chocolat. Peut contenir GLUTEN, CEUFS. ARACHIOES. AMANDES et NOISETES onflants : polydextrose; huile de tournesol, amidon de tapioca, beurre de caca0 DROTENE Sat,at watinpfuetr Srp stonichschakalade mit Süßungsmittel (SüBungsmittel: Maltit, Kakaobutter,