Ravioli pur boeuf
Common name: Ravioli à la viande pur boeuf
Quantity: 800 g
Packaging: Canned, fr:Boîte en métal
Brands: Leader Price
Categories: Plant-based foods and beverages,Plant-based foods,Canned foods,Cereals and potatoes,Meats and their products,Cereals and their products,Meals,Pasta dishes,Pastas,Meals with meat,Stuffed pastas,Beef dishes,Pasta stuffed with meat,Ravioli,Canned meals,Meat ravioli,Beef ravioli
Stores: Franprix,Leader Price
Countries where sold: France
Health Analysis
Score Details
Negative Points
Positive Points
NOVA - Food Processing
Ultra-processed foods
Nutrient Levels
Nutrition Facts
Serving size: 400 g
Nutrient | Per 100g | Per Serving | % DV |
Energy | 83 kcal | 332 kcal | 83% |
Fat | 2 g | 8 g | 2% |
Saturated fat | 0.8 g | 3.2 g | 0.8% |
Carbohydrates | 12 g | 48 g | 12% |
Sugars | 1.3 g | 5.2 g | 1.3% |
Fiber | 1.1 g | 4.4 g | 1.1% |
Proteins | 3.7 g | 14.8 g | 3.7% |
Salt | 0.75 g | 3 g | 0.75% |
Sodium | 0.3 mg | 1.2 mg | 0.3% |
Eau, pâte (semoule de blé dur, œufs, eau), purée de tomate et tomate pelée - carotte - oignon - farce (viande bovine - chapelure - semoule de blé dur - carotte - oignon - sel - plante aromatique - arôme naturel - huile de tournesol - arôme naturel (contient céleri).
Palm Oil Status
Vegan Status
Vegetarian Status
Environmental Impact
Environmental Impact
75 / 100
Canned, fr:Boîte en métal
Packaging Materials
- canned
- fr:boite-en-metal