Lisas Bio-Kessechips Rosmarin & Meersalz
Quantity: 125g
Brands: Lisas
Categories: Pflanzliche Lebensmittel und Getränke, Pflanzliche Lebensmittel, Imbiss, Getreide und Kartoffeln, Salzige Snacks, Vorspeisen, Chips und Pommes Frites, Chips, Kartoffelchips, Aromatisierte Kartoffelchips
Labels, certifications, awards: Bio, Vegetarisch, EU-Öko-Verordnung, Vegan, Bioland, DE-ÖKO-006, Europäische Vegetarier-Union, Europäische Vegetarier-Union Vegan
Link to the product page on the official site of the producer:
Stores: Rewe
Countries where sold: en:de
Health Analysis
Score Details
Negative Points
Positive Points
NOVA - Food Processing
Ultra-processed foods
Nutrient Levels
Nutrition Facts
Nutrient | Per 100g | Per Serving | % DV |
Energy | 477 kcal | - | 477% |
Fat | 24 g | - | 24% |
Saturated fat | 3.2 g | - | 3.2% |
Carbohydrates | 56 g | - | 56% |
Sugars | 2.2 g | - | 2.2% |
Fiber | 6.3 g | - | 6.3% |
Proteins | 6 g | - | 6% |
Salt | 1 g | - | 1% |
Sodium | 0.4 mg | - | 0.4% |
Kartoffeln, Sonnenblumenöl, Meersalz, Dextrose, Rosmarin, Zwiebelpulver, Knoblauchpulver, Apfelfaser, Schwarzer Pfeffer, Chilipulver
Palm Oil Status
Vegan Status
Vegetarian Status
Environmental Impact
Environmental Impact
88 / 100