Boulettes de viande cuites kefta
Common name: Boulettes de viande cuites kefta (25 environ)
Quantity: 350 g
Packaging: Surgelé,Sachet plastique
Brands: Picard
Categories: Meats and their products, Beef and its products, Frozen foods, Meat preparations, Meats, Beef, Frozen meat preparations, Ground meat preparations, Frozen ground meat preparations, Meat balls, en:beef-preparations
Labels, certifications, awards: Nutriscore, Nutriscore C, Triman
Stores: Picard
Countries where sold: France
Health Analysis
Score Details
Negative Points
Positive Points
NOVA - Food Processing
Processed foods
Nutrient Levels
Nutrition Facts
Serving size: 100 g
Nutrient | Per 100g | Per Serving | % DV |
Energy | 221.79732313575 kcal | 222 kcal | 221.79732313575% |
Fat | 14 g | 14 g | 14% |
Saturated fat | 5.3 g | 5.3 g | 5.3% |
Carbohydrates | 9.4 g | 9.4 g | 9.4% |
Sugars | 1 g | 1 g | 1% |
Fiber | 1.3 g | 1.3 g | 1.3% |
Proteins | 14 g | 14 g | 14% |
Salt | 0.7975 g | 0.797 g | 0.7975% |
Sodium | 0.319 mg | 0.319 mg | 0.319% |
Viande bovine 41,1% (origine : France*), viande d'agneau 17,6% (origine : Nouvelle Zélande, ou origine UE **), eau, chapelure (farine de _blé_ (_gluten_), eau, sel, levure), oignon 5,9%, préparation à base d'_œuf_ liquide pasteurisé (blanc d'_œuf_ liquide, _œuf_ entier liquide, sel), amidon de pomme de terre, boulghour de _blé_ (_gluten_), concentré de tomate, flocon de tomate, huile d'olive vierge extra, menthe 0,3%, sel, gingembre 0,1%, cumin 0,1%, paprika en poudre 0,1%, poivre, persil
Palm Oil Status
Vegan Status
Vegetarian Status
Environmental Impact
Surgelé,Sachet plastique
Packaging Materials
- frozen
- fr:sachet-plastique