Le mega sauce burger jambon oeuf
Common name: Sandwich au pain viennois (53%) garni d'une sauce burger (17%) du jambon cuit standard (12%) et d'œuf (9%)
Quantity: 270 g
Packaging: Plastique, Sachet
Brands: Sodebo
Categories: Sandwichs, Sandwich baguette, Sandwich baguette jambon crudités oeuf
Labels, certifications, awards: Nutriscore, Nutriscore B, Triman
Link to the product page on the official site of the producer:
Stores: Carrefour market
Countries where sold: France
Health Analysis
Score Details
Negative Points
Positive Points
NOVA - Food Processing
Ultra-processed foods
Nutrient Levels
Nutrition Facts
Serving size: 270 g
Nutrient | Per 100g | Per Serving | % DV |
Energy | 250 kcal | 675 kcal | 250% |
Fat | 10 g | 27 g | 10% |
Saturated fat | 1.2 g | 3.24 g | 1.2% |
Carbohydrates | 29 g | 78.3 g | 29% |
Sugars | 3.5 g | 9.45 g | 3.5% |
Fiber | 2.9 g | 7.83 g | 2.9% |
Proteins | 9.3 g | 25.1 g | 9.3% |
Salt | 1.3 g | 3.51 g | 1.3% |
Sodium | 0.52 mg | 1.4 mg | 0.52% |
Pain viennois (farine de _blé_, eau, huile de colza, levure boulangère, _lactose_, sucre, gluten de _blé_, sel, émulsifiant : mono et diglycérides d'acides gras (végétale)), _œuf_, jambon de porc, eau, salade, huile de colza, _fromage_ blanc, jaune d'_œuf_, oignons, purée de tomates double concentré, vinaigre d'alcool, semoule de _blé_ dur, amidon de maïs, sucre, _lactose_, dextrose, sirop de glucose, ferment, gélifiant : carraghénanes, stabilisant: triphosphates, conservateur : nitrite de sodium, antioxydant: érythorbate de sodium, sel, arômes naturels, bouillon de porc, épices, cornichons, graines de _moutarde_
Palm Oil Status
Vegan Status
Vegetarian Status
Environmental Impact
Environmental Impact
66 / 100
Plastique, Sachet
Packaging Materials
- plastic
- bag